Veloz Welcomes New Program Director and Announces New Staff Positions

Alfred Artis

Program Director

Alfred Artis is the new Program Director for Veloz. Previously, Alfred worked as a public policy analyst with Consumer Reports, advocating for policies that would accelerate the adoption of clean cars in California, Colorado, Nevada and other states. He will lead the strategy, development and implementation of Veloz’s Summit Series stakeholder meetings and webinars, EV Market Report as well as grant and policy programs on a state and national level.

“We are very excited that Alfred has joined the Veloz team. He brings a wealth of experience in transportation electrification and his enthusiasm for climate action will fit right in with the team and our mission.”

– Veloz Executive Director Josh Boone

Lisa Chiladakis

Air Pollution Specialist
California Air Resources Board

Lisa Chiladakis has been the Program Director at Veloz since the inception of the PEV Collaborative in 2010. She has been instrumental in developing the annual Electric For All education campaigns—Opposites Attract, Kicking Gas and 40 Million Reasons to Go Electric—as well as managing Veloz’s webinars and industry events. She will return full-time to the California Air Resources Board in December to continue her work with the Zero-Emissions Vehicle Market Advancement team to assist with equity outreach and engagement for the Advanced Clean Cars II regulations going to the Board next year.

Please join the Veloz Team in thanking Lisa for all of her work to move us forward.

“Lisa has been integral to the growth of Veloz and zero-emission vehicle adoption. I’m glad she isn’t going far and that we will continue to benefit from her expertise in this
rapidly evolving field.”

– Veloz Executive Director Josh Boone

Madison Pendergraft

Content Marketing Coordinator

Madison Pendergraft joins Veloz full-time as the new content marketing coordinator. Aside from curating unique social media and online content for both Veloz and Electric For All, she enjoys designing captivating content and supporting projects to help expand the organization’s reach. Madison is a recent graduate of California State University, Sacramento with a Bachelor of Arts degree in film production and theory. Prior to her position as the content marketing coordinator, she was the Veloz program intern from 2019 to 2021.

“Madison brings a passion for teamwork, creativity and environmental justice to Veloz. We are thrilled she’s joined the team full-time and look forward to her creative contributions toward our Electric For All goal.”

– Veloz Executive Director Josh Boone